Estate Maintenance & Cleaning Services for the London & Essex areas.

Upholstery Cleaning

Upholstery Cleaning

There’s nothing worse than a dirty or tired looking sofa or three-piece suite to make a room look dated or dowdy. If your upholstery has seen better days, then don’t stress about the cost of replacing it, book a professional upholstery clean with Introcross instead…

Our professional upholstery cleaning equipment and chemicals achieve far better results than any DIY system. Our expertise, care and passion for quality also ensure we deliver the best results possible when it comes to sprucing up your sofa or showing your three-piece suite some much needed TLC.

Covering the whole of Essex and London, we can tackle one piece of furniture or clean everything in your home that’s upholstered. We can provide free of charge, no obligation quotations ahead of every project if required.

We also extend our services to commercial clients too, cleaning upholstery in pubs, clubs, hotels, waiting rooms, offices and more. So, if the upholstery in your workplace could look a whole lot better, contact our commercial cleaning team today!

We can even professionally clean your carpets too, so why not make your home or place of work look and smell fresh and new and book a deep clean with Introcross.

Let’s banish the sofa stains, get rid of the marks on the chairs, remove the grime and germs and let you relax on upholstery that looks like new! It will improve the look of the entire room.

With over 35 years’ experience, our upholstery cleaning services are reliable, safe, professional and exceptional! We’re fully insured and Safe Contractor approved, providing peace of mind that we’ll treat your furniture with the care and respect it deserves.

Contact our cleaning team today and let’s get you booked in!


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