Estate Maintenance & Cleaning Services for the London & Essex areas.

Introcross ticks all the boxes…

When you’re selecting a company to work for your business or in your home, it’s important to know who you’re working with…

Introcross has been providing its cleaning and maintenance services across London and Essex for over 30 years. Our experienced team ensure your property is in safe hands. As a fully insured and Safe Contractor approved organisation, our processes and procedures are checked and audited, and should there be any problems, our comprehensive insurance provides added peace of mind.

When many businesses come and go, our history of over 30 years in business is testament to the quality of the services and customer service we provide. We manage cleaning and maintenance projects of all sizes, for commercial, industrial and domestic clients, treating each job with the same level of importance.

Our equipment and chemicals ensure our work is carried our efficiently and effectively, achieving the very best results, whether that’s deep cleaning a hallway carpet in a home or carrying out maintenance works on a housing estate.

Many of our clients are longstanding or repeat customers, choosing to return to Introcross for the exceptional service they receive. We’re proud to have sustained our business through COVID and other difficult times and enjoy delivering the best levels of care and service that we can.

So, if you’re looking to have your sofa spruced or your office carpets cleaned, contact Introcross today!


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